Sound Healing


(M.Soc.Sc.  Lic.Ac.  M.C.O.H.)

healer · workshop leader · author

"God respects me when I work,
but He loves me when I sing."


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BOOKS by Simon Heather

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A percentage of all profits from sales of these books will be donated to ROKPA - a charity that assists tibetan people.

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Olesia: "Thank you very much for your amazing books!"

The Essential Guide to Healing the Chakras

In this book I guide you on a journey through the energy centres of your body, exploring which issues and which illnesses relate to each chakra of your body.

Each chakra poses a new set of challenges for us on our way to personal empowerment and spiritual enlightenment. In the book you will find out how energy works, how to diagnose yourself, why you get sick, depressed and why you lose energy when you are with certain people. You will learn how to detach your energy from past events and reclaim your sacred spirit.

This book draws on all spiritual traditions to help you to understand why you are here and what your life purpose is. (The book has 108 A4 pages)

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Rebecca: "I look forward to re-reading your guide to chakras, it is the most informative beautifully written book I have ever come across on chakras!"

Emma: "I'm just writing to say thank you. I received your book on the chakras; have started reading it and am blown away by the beautiful clarity and straightforwardness of it."


This booklet contains information for people giving group sound bath. The booklet covers - Sound Bath Guidelines, Working with Group Energy, Using Himalayan Singing Bowls, Giving a Group Sound Bath with Bowls, Guidelines for Giving Group Gongbaths, the Universal Greeting and Contraindications (16 pages A4).

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An understanding of the Assemblage Point is essential for all healers and therapists. The position of the Assemblage Point has a profound effect on our health and emotional well being.

The book has sections on - The Four Human Assemblage Points, The Toroidal System, Different Assemblage Point Positions, Acupuncture and the Assemblage Point, How Drugs Affect the Assemblage Point, Finding the Assemblage Point, Assemblage Point Realignment and the Umbilical Pulse.

This is the course book for my Assemblage Point Workshop. (The book has 44 A4 pages and many diagrams).

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This is the course book for my Shamanic Healing Course. The book has chapters on - What is Shamanism, The Three Worlds, The Medicine Wheel, Power Animals, Shamanic Drumming, Native American Rattles, Smudging, The Causes of Illness in Shamanism, Intrusions, Shamanic Healing, The Assemblage Point, Tobacco Prayer Ties, Native American Prayers and Chants. The book includes the Shamanic Healing methods taught on the course. (The book has 113 A4 pages).

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This book explores the reasons why listening to music is so healing for us. It contains a wealth of information about scientific research into the healing effects of music. The book also contains colour photographs, links to sound bites and links to numerous useful web sites.

The book has sections on – The Origins of Music, What are Musical Scales, The Ancient Greek Modes, Harmonics, Why is Music Healing, Intervals in Nature, The Effects of Different Musical Intervals, Dissonance, The Well Tempered Scale, How did the Musical Scale Develop, Why Babies Prefer Harmony.

There are sections on – The Characteristics of Different Musical Keys, Colour and Musical Pitches, Music and Emotional Response, Music and the Brain, Scientific Research into the Effects of Music, How Music Affects Us, Can Listening to Music be Harmful to Us, Singing and Health, Singing in Schools and the Effects of Music on Plants and Animals.

The book contains extensive references for all the information contained. (The book has 127 A4 pages)

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Barbara: "I enjoyed your book IMMENSELY. Particularly liked the chapter on the different modes (very helpful to have this explained in a therapeutic context)."


Sound Healing Practice is the course book for the Sound Healing Practitioner Training. It contains all the information that is covered on the five parts of the course.

There are sections on - Finding Your Voice, Grounding, Listening, Sounding, Breath, Harmonics, Sound Healing Treatment, Using Tuning Forks, Colour, Healing Emotions, Healing Pain, Silence, Music as Medicine, Dissonance, Musical Intervals, Indian Scale, Fundamental Sound, Sound Healing through the Chakras, The Five Elements, Sanskrit Sounds. (The book has 134 A4 pages)

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Su from Colorado, USA: "I just finished your e-book over the weekend. I've worked in energy and music for many years but was looking for some fresh input. I love that your book provides your info plus little summaries of so much more. Very helpful and energizing to what I'm planning to do. Thanks so much."

How to Enrich Your Life with Sound and Music

This is probably the clearest, most comprehensive book on the healing power of sound available. It contains 117 A4 pages packed with information on all aspects of sound healing. The book also includes photographs of cancer cells being destroyed with sound.

The book covers the history of sound healing, the theory of sound healing, harmonics and scientific research into the healing power of sound. The book shows how sound and music can be used as medicine for the body, mind and spirit.

There are sections on music therapy, correct breathing, humming, singing, toning, overtoning and finding your fundamental sound. The book also covers chant, mantra and sounds for the chakras.

There are lots of practical exercises in the book to help you to reconnect with your voice, to tune yourself up, to find your own sound and to balance your chakras. There is also a section in the book on how to find your mantra.

The book covers the theory and practice of sound healing for therapists who wish to integrate sound healing into their healing practice. (The book has 121 A4 pages)

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Book Review by Jonathan Goldman - Director of the US Sound Healers Association

"Writing a book on sound is always a challenge. Writing one on the subject of sound healing is even more so. There are several reasons for this, the first and obvious one being that sound is an aural sensation. You can read about a sound for pages and pages and yet, all it takes is a split second of hearing the sound, and suddenly you KNOW the sound.

I personally had first experienced this with regard to the multi-phonic chanting of Tibetan Monks many years ago. Hearing the actual sound was nothing like the descriptions I'd found in various esoteric texts I'd encountered. And once heard, this sound would never be forgotten."

"Second, the field of sound healing is immense. It's breadth and width are staggering with regard to all the various sciences and spiritual paths that must be investigated and undertaken in order to completely understand and realize the full implications of the use of sound as a healing modality.

Topics must include: Psycho-acoustics, the Physics of Sound, Mathematics, Ethnomusicology, Languages, Anatomy, Subtle Energy, History, Acupuncture, Physiology, Psychology, and much much more! And these are just subjects with regard to the physical aspects of sound-the "hard" sciences if you like.

Once you begin to investigate the spiritual, it becomes an almost imponderable possibility. One would certainly need to research and experience all the different spiritual paths on the planet (for they all do use sound in some manner as a sacred and healing tool), and then write about them.

There is just so much to encompass and incorporate that no one human in any readable size book can possibly do justice to the subject. It can't happen."

"Having said that much, I am pleased and honored to be writing this short introduction to Simon Heather's book 'THE HEALING POWER OF SOUND'. For a fairly difficult task, he has done an excellent job.

This book covers many different scientific and sacred topics, creating a fine compilation of materials that runs the gamut of sound healing-from cymatics to mantras and more! I have no doubt that after reading it, you, the reader, will certainly have received quite an education into the field of sound healing, and will also no doubt, have come to realize that there is indeed great healing power in sound."

"Simon - you've done your work well and presented this material in a readable and heart felt manner to your audience. Congratulations. It's a fine addition to what I consider to be the library of good books on sound healing."


This book is now only available in pdf format (most of the information is in 'The Healing Power of Music' book).

This book shows how everything is creation is related to the intervals found in music. These intervals can be found in bird songs, crop circles, whale songs, the orbits of the planets and the proportions found in architecture.

The book shows how each musical interval effects us in a different way. The book also has sections on the music of Ancient China and India. (The book has 44 A4 pages)

This book contains some of the information that is in 'The Healing Power of Music' (above).

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Reconnecting with the Positive

A complete guide to the 'Healing of Emotion' Technique that Simon has developed over the last twenty years. This is essentially a teaching manual for those who wish to help others heal deep-seated negative emotions and reconnect with the positive. The book contains details of 'Healing of Emotion' sessions that Simon has facilitated over the last twenty years.

The book guides the reader through the process of healing childhood trauma through working with the Magical Child. Past Life Memories can be healed through connecting with the Higher Self. The Higher Self holds a record of all our experiences. As painful memories from other lives are released from the body it becomes more and more easy to access our true, loving, radiant self. (The book has 67 A4 pages)

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Based on Simon's experiences in India, the book summarises the teachings of the three great exponents of the philosophy of Advaita (non-duality), Ramana Maharshi, Nisagardatta Maharaj and Ramesh Balsekar.

This book offers practical guidance to help you to free yourself from suffering and realise your true self. (The book has 112 A4 pages)

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