Sound Healing


(M.Soc.Sc.  Lic.Ac.  M.C.O.H.)

healer · workshop leader · author

"Plant so that your heart will grow, sing because this is a food our starving world needs."   Hafiz

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HEALING with Simon Heather

Simon Heather is a highly experienced healer. Over the past thirty years Simon has been practising and teaching sound healing and shamanic healing. Many thousands of people from all over the world have benefitted from these forms of healing.


Shamanic Healing

When we experience deep physical or emotional trauma part of our spirit may separate itself from our body. This part of us may then live on another plane of the Earth where it feels safe. When this happens to us we no longer have access to that part of ourselves. Soul loss is a common occurrence in childhood particularly if a child has been abused or traumatised.

Soul loss can also occur with the death of a loved one or the break up of a close relationship. Most people have some degree of soul loss.

In your healing session Simon will work to assist you to reconnect with these lost soul parts. When your spirit returns you will once again feel joy and inner peace. You will feel totally present in each moment.

Simon has also written a book about Shamanic Healing. To order a copy please go to the Books page.


Shamanic Healing

In the healing session Simon will project harmonious sound into your body to help your body release physical and emotional pain. As the sound flows through your body you will experience a feeling of deep relaxation. Simon uses different sounds to balance the physical body, the emotional body and the mind.

Simon also uses instruments such as gongs, tuning forks and Tibetan bowls to assist with the healing process. Most people feel a deep sense of inner peace at the end of a sound healing treatment.

Simon has also written a number of books about Sound Healing. For more details and to order a book please go to the Books page.


Private sessions are held at Simon's home in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire.

Simon doesn't do Online Healing Sessions, Skype Healing Sessions or any other type of Distant Healing Sessions.

If you would like to book a private session with Simon please contact him on 01242 230 904.

Cost - £50 for a one hour session and £60 for an hour and a half session.


  • WENDY – “I just wanted to say thank you for your time, wisdom and guidance during my healing sessions.”

  • SHEENA - “Just to say thank you very much for session. I could feel a lot going on yesterday and today.”

  • SHARON - “I am feeling much more balanced.”

  • ROZA  - “Thank you so much. I feel much better now. Like I have step out of the thick fog into clear sky.”

  • TINA - “Thanks for the healing. I think something has shifted, and I really appreciate your effort and energy.”

  • HELEN - “Just to say thank you for the terrific healing session I had with you on Thursday... It has and still is making a huge difference to both my energy and strength in dealing with things... I am truly growing into a much more dynamic person, least that is how I feel. So thank you.”

  • LIZA - “I have found so much benefit from the soul retrieval and would like to complete the process.”

  • BARRY AND SARA - “The healing you gave us has made a miraculous difference to our lives. Thank you.”"

  • MARION - “Hello Simon. Well, it's been four weeks exactly since I came to you for that wonderful healing session. It was quite an exceptional experience in itself.”

    "As I mentioned, there was a lot of detoxing afterwards, but it seems to have started a breakthrough process. My hearing is now completely clear. I did my reiki master attunement a couple of weeks ago and had no problem in singing with the rest of the small group during the day (I noticed that one or two others were self-conscious about making sounds and joining in the songs, but I felt very confident and let it all out!)”

    "In fact, I have been so impressed by these results that I am now seriously considering taking your sound healing training. Thanks again and all best wishes.”

  • HELEN - “Hi Simon, just a quick message to say thank you for the healing I had with you last Friday. It seems to have made noticeable differences already. I am waking earlier and being able to get up and do things, having my vitality to face the day, which I can't tell you how long it has been.”

    “Things have changed considerably in my pattern of understanding and behaving around relating/ relationship. I am definitely more detached and self contained, not worrying over the next text.”

    “I am amazed by the positive difference after just one session, and look forward to more.”

    “Best wishes, Helen”

  • SUE - “Many thanks for the healing yesterday I am finding it very helpful and feel generally much stronger than I have done for years.”

Simon facilitating a Shamanic Healing Healing at a Workshop in Russia
Simon facilitating a Shamanic Healing Healing at a Workshop in Russia