Sound Healing


(M.Soc.Sc.  Lic.Ac.  M.C.O.H.)

healer · workshop leader · author

"He who knows the secret of the sound knows the mystery of the whole universe."   Inayat Khan

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Shamanic Healing Practitioner Training Hoop Drum

When we experience major physical or emotional trauma part of our spirit may separate itself from our body. When this happens to us we no longer have access to that part of ourselves.

Soul loss is a common occurrence if a child has been abused or traumatised. Soul loss can also occur with the death of a loved one or the break up of a close relationship. Most people have some degree of soul loss.

Shamans work with helping spirits to find these lost soul parts and bring them back to the person. When our spirit returns to us we will feel joy and inner peace. We will feel more present in our body and more able to cope with life's challenges.

On this course you will learn how to facilitate a 'Shamanic Healing' for your clients. This course is based on a traditional Native American form of healing working with power animals, drumming, offering, prayer and helping spirits.

This course is mainly for people who are already practising sound healing or other therapies.


Simon is no longer teaching the Shamanic Healing Practitioner Training Course, he is currently training Course Tutors.

Simon has trained these College of Sound Healing Tutors to run the Shamanic Healing Practitioner Training Course.



Shamanic Healing Practitioner Training
  • CHRIS - “I have found this course to be profound and invaluable to my personal growth, as well as the perfect addition to my skills and knowledge.”
  • ANITA - “A big thank you for another amazing weekend Simon.”
  • JONATHAN - “The course has really opened my horizons and has allowed me to look at healing from a different perspective. My mind seems more expanded and I am more aware of energies.”
  • CHERYL - “I love what we learnt.”
  • RACHEL - “The course was inspirational and well paced. I have learnt some invaluable tools.”
  • LAURELLE - “The course has made an enormous difference to my healing practice. I now have much deeper treatments to offer. The course has been wonderful. You presented the information in a simple, easy to understand format.”
  • GIUISI - “The course was well presented, with all that we need to know.”
  • SALLY - “I felt you kept the course down to earth and completely free of woolly new age stuff!”
  • ALEXANDRA - “Absolutely loved the course!”
  • CELESTE - "Thank you for an amazing course."
  • GILLIAN - "Really loved the weekend. Thank you so much."
  • LISA - "Thank you for an amazing workshop weekend. I really loved it."
  • PAM - "Thank you also for an amazing weekend. I just loved the wisdom in your teachings and the flow of the weekend. I really enjoyed this opportunity to come to your workshop and already feel I've learned much."
  • RACHEL - "The course was inspirational and well paced. I have learnt some invaluable tools and had the opportunity to receive strengthening treatments. I believe they have helped me to move away from some of the negative patterns of behaviour that I have been stuck in."
    "I feel blessed to have come into contact with you Simon, I have done a number of trainings  over the past 25 years, I don’t think I have ever had a teacher who has shown your level of compassion and insight."
  • JANE - "Absolutely wonderful. The content was just right and your teaching approach is very good, very knowledgeable and plenty of time for us to practice, have feedback and ask questions. Thank you again."
  • PETRA - "The course was beneficial in many varied ways. Simon's soul retrieval teaching has definitely assisted in bringing me home to the essence of my true being. It has reconnected me with parts of my personality that I thought were lost. I feel I am clearer with who I am and what I want from life. We definitely cleared a negative energy and by the teaching of the ritual of continual cleansing, prayer and smudging it has remained so."
    "I am using the treatments and am sharing with all of my close friends and family. It seems to run through every thread of my life, even when I swim in the river. A deeper understanding and respect for the spirit in everything. I find I have simplified my life a great deal and feel far more dedicated to my spiritual practice. It's aiding me in letting go and moving forwards."
  • HEATHER - "After the second weekend I felt very inspired, as if I had found what I needed to be doing, and I could return and start helping people to heal themselves. The course has given me a strong sense of who I am and my path forward."
    "Learning other healing techniques alongside the basic soul retrieval treatment was really useful. Having the means to use a combination of treatments feels really good, as if I can give a more complete and effective treatment, each treatment enhancing the other."
    "As a beginner practitioner actually practising the treatments was really good for my self confidence and I felt very inspired at the end of the second weekend. It also reinforced everything that I believe in."
    "Good balance between theory and practical application with plenty of opportunity to ask questions and talk to other students."
  • ALLY - "After both parts of the course, I felt recharged, inspired, affirmed and reassured. I have felt enabled to make big steps forward, following my soul path. Since receiving my first Soul Retrieval, my creativity has been rediscovered and has become an integral part of my healing practice."
    "It's really good to have this as a certificated course. I think it is really important to connect with the loving healing energy of the earth. This connection is needed by so many people at this time."
  • YVONNE - "I loved the course. I think a group of therapists already trained in aspects of healing made for a powerful, supportive experience."
    "My relationship with my Power Animals has developed and I continue to work on myself. I am already aware that clients are profoundly affected by this work. I love to share what I have learned so I've used some of the songs and chants with my monthly group."
  • LISA - "Wow what a journey. So much has happened, shifted, healed. I have experienced a whole array of emotions during my own personal soul retrieval. This course has helped me open my eyes to my own truth. I have been allowed to let very stuck emotions surface at their own pace, mend and then heal."
    "I have moved on so much because I am now connected, this shamanic energy has guided me and given me the inner strength to confront some issues from my past. I feel very happy about where I am on my journey of healing."
    "I just wanted to share with you. When I was first taught about the rattle healing and receiving a healing myself. I really felt so different. I got home and I looked at myself in the mirror . For years I have always felt uncomfortable about looking at myself in the mirror. But when I got home that day I looked at myself and it felt so different."
    "It was so different it made me stop and stare at myself. My instant thought was that now I couldn't see/ sense any negativity. I looked at myself and I just felt peace. For years I had been looking/ sensing all that negativity but now I wasn't (this is hard to put into words). It has been the same ever since."
    "I've loved typing up my case studies it has made me realise how far I have come. and how more natural and connected I feel when doing the soul retrieval. The shamanic ways are very much part of my daily life now and I have a mini medicine wheel set up on my mantlepiece where I give thanks,prayers and blessing. Thank you for creating the course. I'm so glad I came."

Shamanic Healing Practitioner Training 2017
Shamanic Healing Practitioner Training 2017

Shamanic Healing Practitioner Training 2012
Shamanic Healing Practitioner Training 2012